The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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Did you know the cosmetics you apply to your face and the medicine prescribed to you by your doctor were first tested for safety on an animal? Every year, more than one million dogs, cats, mice, rats, birds, and other helpless animals are injured and killed in laboratory experiments. Animal testing is inhumane, and should be banned. There are many different alternative testing options that do not involve animals, and are a lot cheaper. Many other alternatives have been found to test products which could quickly eliminate the use of animals. In Vitro testing, has been found more accurate and relevant to human cells. Also, synthetic human skin has been made possible, and could easily be used to test many different products. which is also more accurate to human skin, than…show more content…
These programs could determine how toxic a substance could be to the human body depending on their ingredients without harming anyone, and costing much less money. Animal tests are extremely expensive, and the government could be saving money on testing by using alternative methods. Animals may not even be the most accurate way to test products. Their skin and body are completely different than that of a human's. “A drug in an animal's body is quite different from the reaction in a human.” Animals will not react to drugs and substances in their body the same way a human would. In this case, how is it even fair to test on an animal who may not even undergo the same symptoms we would? This makes animal testing completely unfair and inaccurate which could be harmful to humans as well. For example, a lotion put on a dog’s skin may leave no reaction, making it look harmless. On a human, that lotion could cause an awful rash or burn. Many people would argue that animal testing is safe, observed very carefully, and that there are laws such as the Animal Welfare Act to protect the animals from
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