Error Of Error In Second Language

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Introduction: A learner’s speech should no longer be seen as just a faulty version of the target-like version. It should be recognized as having its own underlying system which can be described in its own terms. As the system develops towards that of a target-like system, the learner contributes by actively forming rules, sometimes overgeneralizing them, and gradually adapting them. Some of the clearest evidence for this process comes from utterances which are unlike anything which a target like would produce, since it is these deviant utterances that reflect most clearly the learner’s idiosyncratic system. They can offer us, too, hints about the learning strategies and mechanism which the learner is employing. This means that learners’ errors…show more content…
If learners are actively constructing a system for the second language, we would not expect all their incorrect notions about it to be a simple result of transferring rules from their first language. We would expect many of their incorrect notions to be explicable by direct reference to the target language itself. This is precisely what error analysis reveals. In additions to errors due to transferring rules from the mother tongue, learners also make many errors which show that they are processing the second language in its own terms. Errors of this second type are often similar to those produced by the child in the mother tongue and suggest that the second language learner is employing similar strategies, notably generalization and…show more content…
The learner missed using the right word formation and used a noun instead of a verb. On the other hand, there is literal translation from L1 into L2 if the learner’s first language is Spanish. In Spanish we say cuando me gradúe referring to a future idea and a learner in intermediate level knows that to express a future idea, he needs to use the modal will. Therefore, this learner generalizes the rule and says when I will graduate overlooking the appropriate form in time clauses. This is an example of negative transfer. The additional information we would like to have is • The L1 of each of the learners to test our hypothesis in some specific sentences and determine if they are examples of negative transfer. • The grammar structure students have been presented prior to this writing activity. We think these learners have been exposed to present participles and past participles, and are trying to use them as much as possible. • If students are ready for self-correction once the errors are highlighted. • The instructions students have received to start writing. • The context for these sentences. Are they part of a composition? Are they in response to a

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