Spanish Language Interference Case Study

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• Analyze possible linguistic implications of Spanish language interference while making use of the superlatives and comparatives forms in a class of English learners as a foreign language at the “Educación Continua” program at Paraíso branch. 3.2. Specifics Objectives • To evaluate a group of nonnative-English learners to see whether they are capable to identify and orally produce the comparatives and superlatives forms of English language. • To recognize some linguistic errors and mistakes that influence the incorrect use and production of these English forms. • Interpret, based on theory, the results obtained from the information gathering tools applied to the students. 4. Theoretical Framework In order to analyze and develop this research project, it is important to mention some key concepts regarding linguistics in order to delimit the orientation of this investigation. 4.1. Mistake In order to have a clearer understanding in the linguistics field is really important to know that there is a difference between a mistake and an error. In his book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Douglas Brown (2000) explains that a mistake “refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a “slip”, in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly” (p.217). In other words, a…show more content…
Its definition will help the reader to understand some major differences and some of the most important concepts, in regards acquisition. First language can be defined as “the one that a child learns from his everyday life experience with the people around him or her. It is also known as the native language or mother tongue among other names. It is usually identified as L1” (Gass, S. M & Selinker, L. 2008, p. 7). This definition clarifies the importance of distinguishing basic concepts, the difference between first language acquisition and second language

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