Aristotle And Aristotle: The Characteristics Of Aristotle

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as they should. Politics likewise tends to correct the faults that men have, even though they all tend to the perfect communal life. For Aristotle, the human body comprises of two souls which is the rational and irrational part. The irrational soul consists of human activities such as eating, walking, talking, squatting, and any other physical activity whereas the rational part is filled with tragedy. The rational soul could be divided into faculties, passions and habits. Faculty here simply means everything that man is capable of doing, even though he may not do it. Passion is not merely a ‘possibility’ but a concrete fact. With purpose, every part of a man has a purpose. For instance, the mouth eats, the leg walks. Aristotle perception on…show more content…
Each human action, therefore, has an end limited to that action but all actions as a whole have as their purpose the supreme good of man. Again Aristotle asserts that happiness of a man comes in three folds. For the average level, happiness consists in procession of material goods and enjoying them. Riches, honors, sexual and gastronomic pleasures etc. On the second level, happiness is glory. Here man acts according to his own virtue but his happiness consist in the virtuous behavior itself, but in the fact that that behavior is recognized by others. Finally, the superior level of happiness is that of a man who acts virtuously and ask no more. His happiness consists in acting in a virtuous manner. Aristotle further gave his own perception on following things; Virtue, freedom, knowledge, constancy, justice and others. Augusto Boal’s book, Theatre of the oppressed highlights Aristotle’s views on the above…show more content…
That is theatre can convince people to do good and at the same time convince them to do bad. During the middle ages, the control of theatre production exercised by the clergy and nobility was even more effective and the relationship between feudalism and medieval can easily be shown through the establishment of an ideal type of arts which of course, need not to explain all the particular cases, though many times perfect examples may be found. Feudalism is the dominant social system in Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the crown in exchange of military service and vassals where in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villains or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s lands and give him homage, labour and share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. Medieval on the hand began with the fall of the Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of

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