Lesson Plan In Team Teaching

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This study reported the result of a qualitative case study research design on NESTs and non-NESTs’ beliefs about lesson plan in team teaching. The objectives of the research were; (1) to explore the NESTs and non-NESTs’ beliefs about lesson plan in team teaching at two different Junior High School in Ponorogo, (2) to explore the implementation of NESTs and non-NESTs’ beliefs about lesson plan in team teaching (3) to explore discrepancies between teachers’ beliefs and practice, (4) factors are responsible for shaping those beliefs and its implementation. The informants of the research were two pairs of English team teachers of grade eight at two Junior High Schools in Ponorogo implementing team teaching between NESTs and non-NESTs. The data…show more content…
The findings showed that NESTs and non-NESTs believed that they had different teaching behaviors related to lesson plan. NESTs and non-NESTs believed it is important to prepare lesson plan before team teaching in order to teachers could work effectively as team members and toward their students. Some elements stated in both team teachers’ lesson plans, namely: school identity, time allocation, standard competency, basic competency, learning objectives, teaching materials, teaching techniques, teaching procedures, sources and teaching media, and assessments. In designing team teaching lesson plan, both team teachers agreed that it was non-NESTs’ responsibility for designing their team teaching lesson plan. Three factors shaping NESTs and non-NESTs’ beliefs about teaching process of team-taught were learning experience, teaching experience, and…show more content…
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