English Classroom Style

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Designing English Classroom Method Based on Students’ Learning Style Eka Indah Nuraini ekaindahnuraini@gmail.com ABSTRACT Students have different preferences in the way they take in and process information - which is to say they have different learning styles. Their learning style include visual (V; learning from graphs, charts, and flow diagrams), auditory (A; learning from audio), and kinesthetic (K; learning from movement). Since individuals differ in their ways of learning, teachers require to apply different ways of teaching which take into account these individual differences. Understanding students’ learning styles is an important consideration when designing method for English classroom instruction. Therefore, this study…show more content…
It is important for both to understand their role in the classroom. To have a successful class, teachers need to implement the right teaching method. The selection of the method is influenced by some factors namely teaching goals, learners’ characteristics. In classroom activities, teachers mostly rely heavily on the syllabus as well as class assessment. There is only a few concern/focus on the learners’ characteristics specifically their learning styles. Meanwhile, it is essential to understand that learning styles has a significant role in the learning process, and it should not be neglected in the teaching of a foreign language. Language teachers’ awareness of differences in students’ learning can lead to more productive and effective lessons. Therefore, administering proper learning styles investigation before designing English classroom method is very…show more content…
6) as cited in Fauziati (2015, p. 12) classifies learning styles into three major types: cognitive, personality, and sensory. Cognitive styles refer to the mental processes of information. According to Reid (1999, p. 6) as cited in Fauziati (2015, p. 12), cognitive styles are divided into three major type; field- independent/ dependent learning styles (FI/FD), global or holistic/ analytical learning styles and reflective/ impulsive learning styles. Then, personality learning style is a construct based on Carl Yung’s concept of archetypes (Fauziati, 2015:18). An individual’s personality profile is identified along three dimensions; extroversion/introversion, tolerance of ambiguity, and left/right brain functioning. Meanwhile, sensory learning style refers to the physical, perceptual learning channels with which a learner is most comfortable with (Oxford, 2002:360 as cited in Fauziati, 2015:14). These can be classified into three major types: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
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