English Language Problems

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4. Providing students with articulatory descriptions of the mother tongue and target language, helps in realizing mistakes and how to rectify pronunciation interference. Students highly motivated to learn English, also lack English skills, not allowing them to handle the language demands. Many students enter school speaking little or no English, and have not received the instruction needed to master English language structures and patterns. Students suffer academically, many dropping out of school well before graduation (Olsen, Jaramillo, McCall-Perez, & White, 1999). The assumption that students do not learn English quickly and thrive academically, are from lack of motivation to learn English, or completing the work needed to learn. Many…show more content…
Fillmore (1982; 1991) found certain conditions needs to happen if learners are to be successful. Interacting directly and often with people familiar enough with the language to reveal how the language works and how to use. During interaction with English learners, expert speakers offer clues to the language, how to communicate ideas, information, and intentions. Learners receive corrective feedback from negotiating and clarifying communicative intentions (Long, 1985; Pica, 1996). When no opportunities for direct instructions are present, children either make little progress learning English, or learn from each other (Fillmore, 1992); no longer known as language learners as the details of English remains non-existent. Language acquisition needs consideration in Thailand, and according to Krashen (1986), language acquisition requires a person to acquire language naturally as a child acquires his/her first language. Children acquire language through use, and Thai students learn English through memorizing grammar and vocabulary. Acquisition is subconscious (Harmer, 2007), and learning at school is a conscious process where separate language items…show more content…
Educator: Responsibility in selecting educational activities and materials for the correct level and type for students, needs a student assessment distinguishing between knowledge of language and obstacles to learning. Understanding how language problems will resolve with time and which problems need attention, effective teaching and understanding language development is essential. Educators need to help students in learning all aspects of language, and become aware of language functions in communication. An understanding of how language works helps expand linguistic knowledge, and allows opportunities for exposure to new language forms and

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