Rhetorical Analysis Of Politics And The English Language

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In “Politics and the English Language” Orwell appeals to the people’s reasoning through the use of analogy; which shows cause and effect, the invention of images, and how restatement clarifies the true meaning in order to actively invigorate the public and open their eyes to the fact that modern English diminishes the active thoughts of the public. George Orwell, himself, was exposed to the dangers of orthodoxy through his experiences in Burma, knowing what fascism is firsthand. Thus, Orwell clearly sees that the reason that writing has lost significance, due to political and economical issues. Orwell’s fears and obsessions take over as he courageously directs one to look at their responsibility by questioning and thinking for themselves. “A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. (par. 2) Orwell’s correspondence highlights the cause and effect of alcohol abuse to the dissolution of language. This analogy is what Orwell describes to be happening to the English language as our thoughts affect our writing and inversely our writing affects our thoughts. It shows a chain reaction, as one starts to drink to fight a problem off, yet the…show more content…
The analogy is brief with no superfluous words to cloud the observation. This rhetorical strategy is a strong representation of his essay as a whole as he creates original comparisons making his essay straightforward and concise. The analogy also reflects Orwell’s feelings as he declares that the English language “becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier, for us to have foolish thoughts.” (par. 2). It affirms a truth with which the reader can identify the effect of “good” writing and uses a straightforward attitude to make the observation authentic to the

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