The Importance Of Bilingual Education

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One of the considerately biggest places for opportunities is the United States and education is the biggest way to accomplish one's dreams, but when someone moves to the U.S. from another country, not being fluent in English can be a huge barrier to being able to accomplish what one wants, and being successful in the educational system. Therefore, the people who control the education system have set specific standards in order to teach students who are learning the English language. Initiatives have been made in order to promote the development of the English Language and standards that keep up with the subjects that the other students who speak English are learning and are being tested on. The idea of that is great and should promote both…show more content…
from the beginning as mentioned in an article by Claude Goldenberg and Kirstin Wagner “Bilingual education has been part of the American educational landscape since before the United States was forged from a collection of fractious colonies”, specific bilingual schools were established in order to help people whose first language was not English. These schools were established in times when people were coming to the U.S. in order to find new opportunities doing the work they were good at or were just looking for refuge from dangerous situations they encountered back home. The need for these schools where necessary in order for people to be able to live and work together. As time went by, more schools were established around the U.S. in order to support the different people who moved to the U.S. seeking new opportunities. Bilingual education had been around since the beginning and hasn't disappeared, “From its colonial beginnings bilingual education in the United States has existed in one form or another to the present day” (Goldenberg). As time has gone by laws and standards have changed in order to meet certain standards established by the board of education which have made it harder for English language learners to keep up with their peers whom are native English…show more content…
They say, speaking their native language in class would take away from the set time dedicated to learning other content, but it would be easier if students could ask questions in their native language and communicate in a language they are comfortable speaking in and asking questions. Learning content would be easier for them because they would be able to ask questions and if they had any problems, identify the problem and fixing that problem would be a lot more simple due to being able to use their native language to understand what that problem is and fixing it with their understanding of the language. In allowing ELL students to use their native language they have the ability to ask questions in both the language they are learning and the one they are completely comfortable communicating in which is beneficial to their ability to learn a new language with the understanding they already have of their native language. With bilingual classes, both ELL students and English speaking students can work in the same environment and class. Bilingual classes bring the students closer together to better both groups, the students are able to work together to help each other understand things that they might not understand. So not only do both groups learn and work with two languages they meet new

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