Classroom Climate

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Why it is important for teachers to take cognizance of the classroom climate Classroom climate is affected not only by blatant instances of inequality directed towards a person or group of people, but also by smaller, more subtle "micro-inequities" that can accumulate to have significant negative impacts on learning Incivilities that are not addressed properly not only negatively impact learning within the course in which it is experienced, but may also negatively influence a student's success at an institution (Hirschy & Braxton, 2004). It is important that teachers are aware of the impact the classroom climate has no their learners achievement, social, emotional and work and whether it has an effective impact towards the desired goals.…show more content…
Explain the factors that influence the classroom climate The following factors influence the classroom climate according to Ambrose et. al. (2010, p. 173-179). • Stereotypes cause alienation and marginalization among those who are the target of unfair generalizations. In fact, just the threat of stereotypes, what can impact learning negatively? Students who have experienced stereotypes or expect to be viewed or judged in a certain way may encounter tensions and cognitive disturbances that interfere with learning. • The tone of a class environment is influenced strongly by the instructor. Studies show that students approach faculty who express encouragement more so than faculty who come off as punitive. Tone can be set by instructors through their interactions with students and through other modes of communication including syllabus. • Student-student interactions during and outside of class affect the overall climate. However, the ways in which instructors and those in authority deal with negative interactions has more of an impact on student…show more content…
Students who felt that their instructor was approachable, had concern for minority student issues and treated students as individuals and with respect reported a better course climate. • Content includes the course materials, examples and metaphors, case studies and project assignments used to illustrate the ideas being taught. Content that includes a variety of perspectives or is representative of multiple views is more conducive to a positive climate. What can teachers do to create a psychological safety in classroom? Why are the physical conditions of the classroom also important? Teachers must use their most powerful teaching tool, their personality. Their r smile, their voice, and their touch make a child feel safe. Face-to-face, "on the floor time," and eye contact are essential in this process. Be predictable in their interactions with the child and not in the number of minutes spent in each activity. Be attuned to each child's overload point. Let children find some space and solitude when they seem to be overwhelmed. In these quiet moments the child can find pleasure in reviewing the discoveries of the learning
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