Embryonic Stem Cells

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What are stem cells? -The human body comprises over 200 different cell types that are organized into tissues and organs to provide all the functions required for viability and reproduction. -Stem cells have the potential to change into many different cell types through early life and growth. -They serve as a repair internal repair system in many tissues, dividing without limitation until they restore (replenish) other cells. -stem cells can produce all of the different cell types that make up our blood. -Stem cells differ from other cells by two important characteristics; firstly they are unspecialized cell and have the ability to renew themselves through cell division. -Second, If needed under certain physiologic or experimental conditions,…show more content…
Most stem cells are derived from fertilized embryo cells. Adult stem cells (Non embryonic stem cells): Are undifferentiated cells found in the body, that multiply cell division -Stem cells are important for many reasons. Here are the following: “In the 3- to 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells give rise to the entire body of the organism, including all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the heart, lungs, skin, sperm, eggs and other…show more content…
-A major benefit of therapeutic cloning is that the cells removed are pluripotent. Pluripotent Cells can give rise to all cells in the body with the exception of the embryo. This means that pluripotent cells can potentially treat diseases in any body organ or tissue by replacing damaged and dysfunctional cells. -This pluripotent, endlessly dividing cell has been hailed as a possible means for treating diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injury, heart failure, and bone marrow failure. -The cells can be frozen and stored for possible use later in the baby’s life -Can be obtained from some adult tissues such as bone marrow, blood can be extracted from the umbilical cord of a new bory baby and stem cells obtained from it -Embryos can be deliberately created by fertilizing egg cells with sperm and allowing the resulting egg cell with sperm and allowing the resulting zygote to develop for a few days until it has between four and sixteen cells. All of the cells are embryonic stem cells Ethical Concerns: -Stem cell research has been very controversial -Sometimes they didn’t take consent -Taking the stem cells results in the death of the
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