Ethical Argument Against Stem Cell Research

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Ian Hammond 300454536 Ethical argument against stem cell research To view the ethical and moral implications of stems cells, the main focus is the recognition of life and recognition what is life and what rules and ethics govern as such. The stems cell is by definition, “have the ability to divide and create an identical copy of themselves, a process called self-renewal; and can also divide to form cells that mature into cells that make up every type of tissue and organ in the body.” To examine the ethics of an issue in defence of not developing and researching in the field of stem cells. There four principles to look at “The harm principle“, deontology, libertarian view, and common view. “The harm principle” stating “the only justification from taking the liberty of another is to prevent harm to another from accruing“. This can be applied to stems cells and the embryo. The harm principle state’s “only” as in exclusively justification, further more in definition it refers to not taking but interfering with liberty of another. This is important in terms of logic, only and…show more content…
The common concerns are, “The destruction of a human embryo is morally wrong, whatever the alleged benefits. A human life begins at the moment egg and sperm are united, and nothing should be done to an embryo that is not in its interest. The benefits to others, whatever they may be, cannot justify the destruction of a human life.” and “If embryonic stem cell research is permitted, the door may be opened to many further steps demeaning to human life. Scientists have a long research agenda, starting with the creation of embryos specifically for research purposes. If an absolute line is not drawn to protect the embryo, many grave abuses may follow.” The two statement tie into deontology and harm principle, and justified by the previous philosophic

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