Reflection For Senior Project

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Since my last reflection, I have made long strides towards finishing my senior project. In the beginning, it was all overwhelming; I had so much to get done, but now I see that not procrastinating was the key to completing and turning in my work. With my printed schedule of when things are due, I have stayed on track and even managed to get ahead. So far, I have completed many tasks. For one, I interviewed two local residents who have recently published their own work. By meeting with Kateyln Freydel and Marty Cauley, I was able to go through the process of publishing, by sitting down with them and completing online tutorials on several publishing sites. They also provided me with many reliable resources that they found helpful during their time of becoming an author, which I was able to use in my research paper. In addition to locating all of my resources, I was able to complete the rough draft of my paper and take my first step towards my project. As of right now, I have composed a book with 65 pages that have been edited and revised by my mentor, Brenda Flora. (That’s a giant change from the 10 page document that I had completed at the beginning of my last reflection!) I can say that I have spent well over the 15 hour requirement on the product, but I plan to continue to dedicate my time to completing the process.…show more content…
It may have spread myself too thin, meaning that, with work, high school, and college it is very difficult to find time to write a book. To make things more manageable, I have decided that my completed work will be a novella rather than a full novel, but even so, to be considered a novella the book must contain over 100

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