Elements Of Integrated Marketing Communication

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The Integrated Marketing Communications consists of several crucial steps as highlighted in the diagram above and some of it are explained further in detail. Positioning - The positioning of a particular brand means setting the brand in the minds if the customers in a certain way. This also involves taking decisions about selecting the media and also the message to be communicated to the consumers. These decisions are also somewhat dependent on targeting during the initial stages as the targeted customers quite often have the same views about the characteristics of a brand. These early decisions have a long lasting effect on the customers. Targeting - Targeting involves making sure that the message that has to be communicated to the desired…show more content…
Other measures such as reaching the customers, their engagement, impact on the customers, frequency of purchasing, customer conversion rate and customer retention may also determine the goals of the IMC programs. Budgets are also decided based on past data available and also future market insights. Mixing Elements - The various marketing communication elements needs to be mixed in an effective and optimal manner to gain synergy. The elements that form this mix can be advertising, promotion, public relations, direct marketing, word of mouth, personal selling, etc. Creating Messages - It is a very important element of the marketing communication strategy. It represents the brand identity and conveys the essence of the brand to the minds of the consumer. The messages are created with keeping in mind brand value. These communication programs cannot be created in isolation. The various elements of the communication affect each other. Hence, it required a collective design of all these elements. Selecting Media - The correct mixture of the communication elements must be employed in order to reach the desired target audience. All these options must be evaluated for their ability and their effects. It is important to ensure the entire collective effect is greater than the sum of the…show more content…
The company sells energy drinks and its target customers are extensively on people who do extreme sports activities and other art performances. The company is famous for doing Integrated Marketing Communications that too successfully. The company’s slogan is “it gives you wings”, so the Integrated Marketing Campaign focuses on young men who indulge in extreme sport activities. The commercial of this campaign showcases that there are various kinds of extreme sports that the company sponsors like mountain biking, windsurfing, skating, snowboarding, freestyle motorcycles rally, formula 1 racing, cliff-diving to break dancing. It not only sponsors extreme sports activities but also selected sports players who perform extreme sports activities. For e.g. Felix Baumgartner is sponsored by Red Bull. The campaign showed live free fall which was broadcasted all over the world on television and YouTube. On SNS (Social Networking Service) 300000 people shared the picture of the moment as soon as it was aired. This Integrated Marketing Communication used by the company associating the brand with sports sponsorship marketing. The reason for the same was because of the fact that the company’s slogan and the concept that involved extreme sport activities matched very well. Red bull sponsors were not just limited to sports; they also sponsored music festivals and other events. The company aims at being
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