Introduction To Business Marketing Communication

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Introduction to Business Marketing Communication (paper 1) Communication is very important. In a dynamic business environment where we see a growth in customer’s level of understanding and interest in the business dealings, technological advancements and changes in marketing communications, organisations these days aim at having a stronger bond with their customers through the consistency in messages that they deliver across the wide range of marketing channels. Marketing is the means of strategically developing, promoting, pricing and distributing products in order to achieve the company goals and also stimulate customer interest. Thus, Business marketing communication are the messages and related media that is used to connect with the market.…show more content…
These are called integrated marketing communication (Přikrylová & Jahodová, 2010). Integrated marketing communication is the concept of marketing communication systems, which provides a logical and synergistic whole (Pavlů, 2005). The essence of IMC process is to combine the communication mix elements into a unified whole and make sure that the brand positioning in the market, product features and also the message to be conveyed will be systematically included in each element of the communication…show more content…
Developing a marketing communication program is not based on budget or staff size, but on the incorporation and analysis of information right from the start. (Jerman, 2007). The customers in a B2B market behave differently, possess different buying patterns and are motivated by different criteria. Many authors mentioned that making a sale to a business buyer is very different from selling to end consumers. A business customer is usually more knowledgeable, needs more input information on the products and services which are also quite complex when compared to the end consumer products or services. In the B2B segment, a buyer prefers direct communication and interaction in the form of sales reps, fairs, direct mails etc. (Rinallo, Borghini, 2003). Marketing communication, broadly comprises of IMC since firms today are seeking better results through such communication integration. The two drawbacks found from surveys done in this study is that, there is lack of available research designed for testing the IMC in a B2B scenario and there is a deeper study required to be made in this regard in order to have an in-depth understanding. The authors, ‘Kitchen, Schultz, 2009, Ewing 2009, Rust et al, 2004’ say that the need for accountability of the firm’s spend on marketing communication, it becomes very essential for a firm to measure the communication

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