The Importance Of Performing A Self-Measure

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Anyone can be a peak performer. You have to be willing to work hard, set goals, and focus on how you want to succeed. Peak performers are highly motivated, they take risks, they are creative in their work, and are continually learning. It is very important to use these skills to become successful in the business world. You have to think outside the box in order to compete in today’s market. It isn’t an overnight process and it isn’t always easy. It takes time to really ground these skills into yourself, so you use them in all walks of life. You also have to have a good support system. This means having people who are willing to stand behind you and encourage you. This can be hard to find in today’s world sometimes but it is very important.…show more content…
It is the first step to becoming a peak performer. Performing a self-assessment can help you in multiple areas in life and your journey to success. You will understand how you work and learn best. By learning what helps you the most you will be able to focus on your goals. It is important to work on the skills that were talked about in Unit 1 and by performing a self-assessment you are using your critical thinking skills. There are exercises and activities you can do to also help with your critical thinking skills, I personally have an app on my tablet that helps. When I am feeling stressed or unsure what my next step in life is I take a moment to breathe first then I reassess everything going on in my life. This allows me to eliminate what might be taking up time that is unnecessary or work harder on what is necessary for my personal growth (Bethel University,…show more content…
At a young age, a teacher explained this to me so that I was able to teach myself in some school work areas. I have worked hard to be able to try and even myself out so that I might be able to learn with all styles of teaching. Recently I have started to listen to audiobooks which can be difficult for me to keep everything straight that happened in the book. Over the years I have developed kinesthetic skills and some things are just easier to learn hands on. Especially when learning new things on a job. I am really terrible are building things with my hands but I can build stuff in my mind. Again I have started to try and build with my hands so I can expand my knowledge. In the end, it is important for me to know how I learn and also expand so I can learn from multiple people (Bethel University,

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