Education In South Africa

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INTRODUCTION Hannah (2014) states “…education is necessary to advance in any situation”. Hannah’s statement supports the great movement between the apartheid regime and the new democratic system in South Africa. In order for South Africa to have moved forward in all aspects in people’s lives, the people of South Africa had to fight for their basic rights (mainly the right to a fair education) to advance in any situation, which is to rid South Africa of the apartheid system. The apartheid system forcefully disadvantaged the coloured, Indian and black races but those actions played an important role whether be it major or minor, lead to the democratic South Africa we have today. There are also other factors or periods of time that have influenced…show more content…
The main objective of the San, Khoisan and Bantu education system was to make people aware of their cultures, languages, lifestyle, survival methods and every individual’s contributing occupation to the community. “Over-seeing the upbringing of their children was not the prerogative of the parents of the parents, but rather that of the whole community. Society was the educator.” (Mbamara, 2004) The community (mainly the elders and role models) are the people responsible for educating the growing children in the community. Boys and girls were taught different aspects in the village. For example, boys were educated to hunt, build houses, herding cattle and girls were taught to cook, house chores and nursing. The education prior to each person was linked to their future occupational position in the…show more content…
Education was the essential vehicle for spreading Christianity.”(…). In this period of time, the Europeans have already settled in South Africa. The first schools that were established in South Africa were formed by Christian missionaries. Due to the lack of written education in South Africa, European missionaries saw this as an opportunity to spread Christianity to all parts of the world. Even though the objective of the missionaries was to spread the Christian religion but this is when proper and formal education was introduced to South Africa. Although the purpose of the dispersal of Christian knowledge was succeeded, it also gave rise to genesis or the evolution of education in South Africa. This was the pioneer seed of formal education in South Africa. If these missionaries did not start their jobs here, South Africa would have a whole different kind of history regarding education. The ideology that supported the way in which education was planned and provided In 1737, the Moravian brothers started their missionary education with the Khoikhoi under the supervision and support from Goerg Schmidt (Moravian Archives, 2009). Schmidt’s schools thrived with providing education for at least 70 children, 70 women and 30 men (Du toit, 1963: 18). After the Moravian brothers returned from being called back due to accusations by the ministers of
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