Differences And Similarities Between Political Parties And Social Movements

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There are some similarities, but various differences between political parties and social movements. It is the sometimes dishonest, intimidating and corrupt nature of political parties as well as the ideological driven nature of social movements which make social movements more adequately placed than political parties to reflect the views of citizens. This is evident in past social movements within South Africa. Social movements are often informal, or loosely organisational groups of individuals and draw upon the passion of it’s members towards reaching a recognized social goal. This goal usually being one of resisting or attaining a social change. Political parties on the other hand are organized groups of individuals whose purpose is to support a particular set of policies as well as to nominate candidates for public office and to get as many of them elected as…show more content…
This is evident within our own country as our own leading party is made various promises and has then been unable to fulfil them. It is because of this that the majority of the people vote for them, and that they then do not actually represent the views of the people. Although there are various political parties within South Africa, they all make unrealistic promises to persuade voters. In contrast there are many different social movements with in South Africa all representing various different social issues. Social movements are comprised of citizens and welcome any citizen participation. In this it is the people representing the people which makes it more reflective of he peoples views. Not only this, but they strive for social changes which will directly and positively affect the rural population which is the minority in South Africa unlike political parties who place more importance on the majority while manipulation the

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