Bantu Education In South Africa

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Bantu Education 1948 the year Bantu education hit South Africa which was a critical education system that was implemented for the black South African race and this was also the same year in which Dr D.F Malan came to be a nationalist who was part of (NP) National party but the CNE policy of 1948 explains the basis of apartheid. In 1949 things got worse because His aim was to separate the multi-races that were there at the time in the country. This nationalist had a great belief that school was an important and simple a way to trigger apartheid. It was a great way for them to start this segregation because the enforced laws that did not only affect the country economically but socially as well, what started off as a country rule also was implemented…show more content…
A secondary purpose of Bantu Education was to provide suitably skilled and obliging workers to meet the needs of a growing industrial economy. The major res Undertakes a case study of the implementation of Bantu Education in Cape Town. The purpose of Bantu Education, it is argued, was to extend the states direct political control over African communities, but African resistance modified this control and shaped the implementation of Bantu Education. A secondary purpose of Bantu Education was to provide suitably skilled and co-operative workers to meet the needs of a growing industrial economy. The major resistance to state control came from the ANC in the form of the Bantu E Undertakes a case study of the implementation of Bantu Education in Cape Town. The purpose of Bantu Education, it is argued, was to extend the state s direct political control over African communities, but African resistance modified this control and shaped the implementation of Bantu Education. A secondary purpose of Bantu Education was to provide suitably skilled and co-operative workers to meet the needs of a growing industrial economy. The major resistance to state control came from the ANC in the form of the Bantu Education Campaign. African opposition to the intervention by the state also influenced the outcome of Bantu Education by defining the limits of the state s control and increasing the need to supply an acceptably academic education. Not only were School Boards and Committees used to regulate the schools, but the selective opening of schools in the new official location and closing of other schools in non-African areas point to Bantu Education being used as a lever to resettle Africans. Economically, the expansion of African

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