Divorce Family Case Study

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FAMILY FUNCTIONALITY FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND CRIME PREVENTION SW. DR. D.T. URANTA, MR. OVHARHE HARRY, Mnasw, fcal, fisow, mcusson Member, Nigeria Association of Social Workers Coordinator, Institute of Social Work Rivers and Bayelsa Department of Social Work and Community Development (UNIPORT) MR. OVHARHE HARRY, Port Harcourt. ABSTRACT The paper X-rayed the functionality of family for youth development and crime prevention. The research was conducted in Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. The paper raised certain problems confronting families in its entirety. Objectives were formulated based on the enumerated challenges. Simple-random sampling were used and questionnaires issued to determined response. A total…show more content…
Divorce: Divorce cases are becoming common in the contemporary society. Children of divorce family always experience lack of effective nurturing and some of them tend to be deviants. And because they are deviants children from broken home; they may end up joining cults and prostitution association. According to Duberman and Hartjen (1979), asserted that a deviance is criminal or becoming a crime when the norm (behaviour that a large so powerful or powerful segment of society approves of) that is violated is written down with a punishment or sanction attached to its violation. Some of these crimes are murder, robbery, rape, assault and kidnapping. Again, if the family structure becomes too large, perhaps, in the case of nuclear family holding seven children with parents of low incoming earnings, this will definitely breed deviants children who will eventually pervert crime in the society. It is the responsibility of every family/parent to offer education to their children. This is in line with Child Rights Act of Federal Republic of Nigeria (2003), so on child should be allowed to exist without at least primary and secondary…show more content…
The copies of questionnaire were coded for analysis item-by-item, while sub-scale and overall analysis was implored in this study. Descriptive statistics of percentage mean and standard deviation with inferential statistics was used for data analysis of the retrieved questionnaire. Chi-square square (X2) was used to test the hypotheses at .05 alpha level. The degree of freedom was one (1), while the Chi-square table value (X2-Tab) was 3.841. A criterion mean of 1.5 was used as a guide in taking decision on simply Yes (Score=2) and No (Score=1). The mean was calculated by summing two and one and dividing the total by
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