Comparing Hamlet's 'Adapting To Their Parents Remarrying'

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The statement “Most children easily adapt to their parents remarrying.” is not true. From the past to the present, many examples and studies have proved that children have had difficulties in adapting to their parents remarrying. Love and trust are the essential building elements for a strong and stable family. In the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, the protagonist Hamlet experiences the distortions of love and trust after his return to Denmark. Hamlet whole-heartedly believed that his mother Gertrude was truly in love with his father, King Hamlet. However, in less than one month after King Hamlet’s death, Gertrude remarries Claudius, her husband’s own brother. Upon the hasty marriage of his mother and his uncle, Hamlet feels betrayed by his mother and is absolutely desperate over her unfaithfulness. Hamlet then loses trust in her mother and doubts the existence of true love.…show more content…
Gertrude also seems not to care his son’s grief upon the loss of his father as she says it is common for all men to die: Thou know’st ‘tis common. All that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity. She further asks Hamlet “Why seems it so particular with thee?” as she wonders why he “seems” so upset.(Quote) Hamlet responds angrily to her questions about his sadness and says “Seem, mother? No, it is… But I’ve got more real grief inside me that you could ever see on the surface.” (Quote) These clothes are just a hint of it” as he “is” upset and his clothes cannot capture his true

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