Forensic Psychological Purpose

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The purpose of the report by the forensic psychologist is to enable the parties involved to finalise a claim. There are different types of reports, each of which may differ considerably from another. Discuss the following: (a) General guidelines on the preparation of a forensic report. • The Forensic psychologist must never divert from their field of expertise as a forensic report an expert opinion. • The Forensic psychologist must avoid emotionally charged language and sweeping statements. • The Forensic psychologist must take caution to not misinterpret other expert opinions. • The Forensic psychologist must give due consideration to all available sources of information. • The Forensic psychologist must take caution to eliminate…show more content…
When psychotherapy is recommended, the therapy must be specified and must also be practicable. These recommendations will affect people’s lives and futures as there may be recommendations regarding sentencing which could mean Jail time for the person and this will have a direct effect on their life and future but it will also have a direct effect on their loved ones. There may also be recommendations on a treatment plan and this will involve therapy by a professional clinical psychologist or a cognitive behavioural therapist which can be expensive and time consuming. QUESTION 2 (a) The SCOPE of the Industrial psychologist. Industrial psychology has a very wide scope and it is mainly concerned with the psychology of the worker, what affects them at work and what can be done to keep them motivated, successful and productive by focusing on the following: 1. Behaviour at work – This involves assessing employees’ attitudes and how this relates to their performance. 2. Management – This involves assessing managerial skills such as conflict…show more content…
Product design - This involves assessing product designs in terms of safety, efficiency and desirability by collecting and analysing data, buying trends to ensure that the product designs can be successful in the marketplace. 5. Organisational Studies – This involves the study of data relating to job descriptions and hierarchy. The scope of Industrial Psychology in forensic work is mainly concerned with three fields: 1. Personal injuries and dependant claims – This involves the Industrial psychologist being asked to quantify an individual’s ability to generate an income now and in the future as a result of an injury due to medical negligence, public liability, motor vehicle accidents or assault/injury to the individual. 2. Divorce actions – This involves an Industrial psychologist being asked to quantify future income between parties getting divorced. 3. Damages arising out of the employment practices or relationships – This involves assessing loss of income resulting from the breakdown in the employment relationship and subsequent termination. (b) The ROLE of the Industrial psychologist in forensic work during the litigation

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