Major Sociological Perspectives

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There are three major sociological perspectives that sociologists use to analyze various situations and issues. These three major perspectives are functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactions. These perspectives provide guidance to “identify signs that a trend is in the making, to study a trend’s impact on work, family, and friendships, and to evaluate and synthesize related information” (Ferrante 43). Sociologists are able to use these perspectives to formulate questions about a topic and develop a sequence of critical thinking, analyzing, and answering these questions. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective is based off the various parts of society. It is compared to the makeup of living organisms in that each part…show more content…
Divorces are caused by various reasons, so the question of “who benefits from [divorce] and at whose expense?” (Ferrante 31) would be answered on a case-by-case basis. Economics is a big factor if one or both parties are affluent. The terms of the divorce could potentially deplete one’s wealth and put the individual towards the lower end of the social order. Depending on the circumstances, this would also answer the question of power in divorce; the individual with the most power (wealth, influence, etc.) would likely come out ahead in the divorce…show more content…
Divorces between affluent and highly regarded couples would be of the most interest to conflict theorists because the conflict between the couple would be public. Society would have all of the details of the struggle and would takes sides with the more “powerful” individual. Conflict theorists would determine the large-scale impact a divorce such as this by studying how it influences society as a whole. Symbolic theorists would look at how symbols and communication were used in the divorce. They would ask what divorce symbolizes and how language and communication may affect the individuals. Symbolic theorists would look for a deeper meaning in the divorce in order to discover the symbol of it. They would want to determine how the social self was involved and whether the divorce was impulsive or necessary. Symbolic theorists would also look at how the individuals interacted and would be interested to study them if they imagined themselves in the eyes of the
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