Disadvantages Of Study Abroad

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related subjects have always been a problem for me , and don’t understand why, nonetheless after all my years as a student teachers matured my spirit of discipline and affection towards school . My parents have also referred to me as a disciplined student , who knows which decisions to choose on hard times. Sometimes some of their friends would make them strange questions about my performance on studies , of how much effort I would manifest toward studies?. They would always express the same example : He is a really applied guy , he wakes up all the weekends at 6 am to study , and when he doesn’t interpret something then he coordinates a group of students to study. As a result of this small acts of personal satisfaction classmates…show more content…
I plan to attend and graduate from a 2 year institution, then transfer to a 4 year college , graduate and consequently obtain a good job to continue to reach my goal of obtaining a Master’s degree that is the objective to reach. Studying abroad and prepare myself to become an skillful professional is the target I have on my mind right now. Yet it is not easy to obtain it , I diverge from the others on the grounds that I don’t take the simple track and I don’t renounce when things get arduous. '' Do not stress out on trying to apply to a foreign college just get inside this private University and it is done , you do not even need to make several exams to get accepted '' this are the words of most of my budies when I tell them of my plan of assisting a foreign institution. I am doing this because I want to have high education level and the United States has a world…show more content…
Beneficial nights were activities we would make all along the weeks to recollect money and therefore use it for institution objectives. We would visit them at their shelters and speak with them, occasionally we would provide them medicines and other stuff important for human health .While speaking along with these people you really get to notice the world we live in , the rich people live like rich and poor people live like poor. After having this strong experience you really get to appreciate what you have . Besides social contribution, sports can’t be absent on my life. As captain of my High School ping pong team I had the honor of attending a regional ping pong tournament .Team participants would see me as the best ping pong player on our school and one of the most outstanding’s they have seen. Coaching the team was one of my immense challenges ,there were 4 players besides
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