Qualitative Longitudinal Research (QLR)

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Executive Summary The prospects of Qualitative Longitudinal Research (QLR) are predominant within social sciences (Thomson et al., 2003b; Elliott et al., 2007 forthcoming). Specifically, QLR has been receiving a lot of acclamation in social policy research (Molloy et al., 2002). Revival of interest in qualitative longitudinal methodologies is doubtless linked with an interest in procedures, along with the perception of change and with emphasis on the person. Of many, one of the most gripping appeals of this type of research is that it allows us to understand the evident difference in what people do and what people say in such a method to elude some of the contemporary limitations of QLR. Qualitative Longitudinal Research aims not only at providing…show more content…
The merit of QLR on both educational and strategic research was identified as a crucial way. Lang and Henwood summarize on the benefits of QLR as this research advance is in position to give profound and complete therapy. It is thoroughly delicate to circumstantial problems, and can elucidate significant micro-social procedures, such as the methods in which individuals abstractedly come to terms with the changes that happen in their lives at moments of private life progression. They make it feasible to inspect how the individuals’ everyday reactions and sentiments are rooted to structures of socio-cultural modifications, such as those that question before ignored presumptions and faiths about social character. As a consequence of their habitual attributes’ sensitiveness to subjectivity, Qualitative Longitudinal Research is also able to mix a sense of campaigning for micro and…show more content…
Qualitative Longitudinal Research enables people who respond to muse on the alterations (or the utter absence of them) which they have gone through since the last interview. Another strong point of the QLR is its prowess to link micro to macro, mainly during moments of prolonged and drastic change. Social or structural change, mainly if it is drastic or takes some time to unravel or the results of it require some time to take place, often includes an alteration in the association between a person and large social

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