Late Modern English Period

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Late Modern English Period The currently known Modern English has been in use since the 18th century. The main difference between Early and Modern English is the vocabulary. There are many words added to the language because of two historical factors. The first factor is the industrial revolution and the advancement in technology. The second factor is the rise of the British Empire. Discoveries during the industrial revolution created the need for new words to name the machines that had been invented and to explain how to use them. In addition, people started to travel more often due to technological advances that enabled fast travelling to different areas, which allowed the blending of the different accents. Moreover, books are…show more content…
One of the advantages is enabling the students and teachers to interact with each other anywhere at anytime. In addition, the easy access of Internet is helping students to gain more information and conduct researches. Also, having many applications in one device is making education easier. For example, my 8 years-old brother is using Adnan the Holy Quran Teacher to help him memories the Holy Quran. On the other hand, smartphones can cause addiction to entertainment application, which leads to distraction to the learning environment especially to…show more content…
Therefore, they may wonder if they give the right advise to their children as their child already settles into three years of study. The golden ticket to a career was the degree but this concept is changes with the increase of the tuition fees and the limited available choices of jobs. The concept of apprenticeship in a vocational field is becoming more appealing. Parents are connecting vocational training with employability. According to a research released by the Edge Foundation and City & Guilds, fifty-seven percent of the parents said that students with plumbing experience were very employed. Similarly, forty-four parents said that students with engineering experience were very employed. However, only twelve percent of those who have science degree were very employed. Despite these finding, sixteen percent of the parents hoped that their children would take an apprenticeship. Unfortunately, parents’ perception of the education success is through the university route. According to the same research, parents know many information about the academic routes of the university. However, they do not know about the vocational routes. This concept needs to be changed. For example, many students enter university and spend three years in a course of study then they decide that they do not enjoy

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