Google Home Problem Analysis

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Issues Analysis Google faces many challenges in its effort to market the Google Home speaker device. Google home has the intention of competing with powerhouse Amazon Echo. The issue for Google home networking hubs is that they are not as popular as the competition (Amazon Echo). The key issue of this product is to increase the market share of the home assistant versus Amazon. With the new Google home speaker device and its enhanced capabilities, Google will initially minimize any disadvantages that the Amazon Echo has with its technical shortfalls, thus launching with negative reviews. The Google marketing departments will conduct market research that examines consumer needs and requirements for the home speaker devices. This market…show more content…
Objective 2: Promotion of this new product and the use of social media will cater to the Millennial consumer base with the intension of increasing revenues and out selling Amazon in the home speaker device category. Goal 3: To produce the Google home device such that its sales price is at or below its key competitor Amazon. Objective 1: Deliver the Google Home device at or around $129, thus underpricing the Amazon Echo which retails for $179. Objective 2: Use a penetration pricing strategy designed to capture many of the market shares by releasing the Google Home device at a similar or lower price relative to the competition to attract consumers (Richards, n.d.). Objective 3: Raise product awareness and get different demographic home owners to try the Google Home. Marketing Strategies Strategy Statement 1: Develop an advertising plan that includes traditional and online media outlets that include the use of social media to reach the intended demographics. Strategy Statement 2: Implement an event whereby the promotion of Google Home is endorsed using a recognizable celebrity to appeal to the younger…show more content…
Google will implement the most effective marketing strategies for the Google Home product using a penetration pricing strategy designed to capture most of the market shares by releasing the device at a similar or lower Amazon’s Echo. Google will raise product and brand awareness with its marketing campaign using Twitter and other social media platforms to enhance the way that it promotes its new Google Home product. Accessibility Statement The Google home product will be readily available in over 54 countries via Google’s online store. Google will also take advantage of its globally known search engine and internet advertising. Most of the world’s smaller countries are expanding by now offering internet service where previously was not available. This proliferation in internet service will allow these countries to become a customer base due to the significance of the Google Home product. The Home device will also be made available through superstore retailers such as Walmart, Best Buy, Target, and Verizon. Communication

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