Advantages And Disadvantages Of Social Media Analytics

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Disadvantages of Social Media Analytics The results of the analysis may be biased due to the many factors that influence social media. Spammers may be a common occurrence on the site (Krishnan, K., & Rogers, S., 2015). Many socially popular people may promote competition or provide negative feedback on the company, which could sway the public’s perception of the brand (Subbarao, V., & Bhatt, Y. 2011). Missing data, dark data, irrelevant data and noisy data could also prove to be a disadvantage while analyzing data (Piskorski, 2014, p2). Dark data is the term used to describe data trapped in forgotten data warehouses (Piskorski, 2014, p 2). Social Analytic Platforms Zeng et al (2010, pg 14) state that many platforms have emerged such as Hootsuite, Sproutsocial. Socialbakers, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics and IBM Cognos. Pricing of these platforms range from being free to paying $2000 per month. The higher priced platforms offer a more in-depth, accurate and granular view of the data as well as more customization options and better support (Fisher, 2009). Platforms must include Application Programming Interfaces…show more content…
This was done due to social analytics. The amount of negative data received from social media sites with reference to tiger woods escalated in December 2009 (Abbasi, 2012). The amount of buzz relating to his sponsors also increased by 4%-7%(Abbasi, 2012). Accenture went from having 0% in negative comments to 35% in negative comments about the brand, which then dropped to 22% in negative comments after the sponsorship ended (Abbasi, 2012). Abbasi (2012) states that Nike also gained a bigger negative response with a growth in 7% of negative comments from being 17% before the scandal to 24% afterwards. Nike did however gain 1.6 million in revenue in golf ball sales due to not cutting the sponsorship (Abbasi,

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