A Pair Of Tickets Analysis

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Important Aspects of Life Taken for Granted Children nowadays are known for taking things for granted. Who would have to know that fictional children ranging from the 1970’s to the late 1980’s would too? In “Everyday Use,” by Alice Walker and in “A Pair of Tickets,” by Amy Tan, both authors explore the lack of appreciation of at least one of their main characters. Walker and Tan display different ways that the main characters take the symbolic things in their stories for granted and how both main characters do not appreciate their culture/heritage. The two authors display both aspects very specifically in their stories. Walker uses the quilts as a symbol of how the family learned to sew items together. The quilt was made from pieces of the Grandma Dee’s dresses that she had once worn. The quilt was put together by Grandma Dee and Big Dee (Maggie and Dee’s aunt). Both women had shown Maggie (Dee’s younger sister) how to sew so that she could contribute to the making of the quilts. Dee was not into anything like this, she was too smart to contribute to these activities. She never really cares for the quilts, they were not important to her. Tan’s character, Jing-mei had similar feelings, but not about quilts, it was pertaining to her…show more content…
Dee did not care about her culture in the slightest. She even changes her name, because she has learned about a different culture that she wants to follow. “‘No, Mama’, she says. ‘Not Dee, Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo!’ ‘What happened to Dee?’ I wanted to know. ‘She’s dead,’ Wangero said ‘I couldn’t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppressed me’” (81). Surprisingly, Dee’s mother mentions how Dee was named after her aunt, yet Dee had to question her own mother about where her name had come from. Dee wants specific answers about where her name came from, but the mother makes it clear that Dee already knew where her name had come

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