Molson Coors Case

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An increase need for exposure via social media as a marketing tool has led to this analysis. The purposes of this report are 1) to analyse and bring forth a social media blunder that may have had a negative impact on Molson Coors’ image 2) to provide guidance when engaging target audiences in social media campaigns that would allow for its sustainability and future success. When social media first made its debut back in 2007, Molson Coors attempted to use it as a tool to market their products to their target audience. Partnering with Henderson Bas, a digital marketing agency, their first ever attempt into the social media world saw the “Cold Shots Campus Challenge” campaign to accomplish their goal. The campaign successfully engaged their…show more content…
Founded by John Molson, Molson Canada is part of the Molson Company. Since it’s invention, it has had a long standing history and strong presence within the Canadian community. As beer is seen as a social commodity, being in good standings with the community is vital to their success. Throughout the last fifty years, the company’s approach strategy involves active acquisition and now includes many different brands. In 2005, Molson merged with US-based Coors company in a strategic effort to combine market share and resources. This union has allowed them to become the world’s seventh largest beer brewer. Their Canadian headquarters are located in Montreal, Quebec, where the company was established more than 350 years ago, and their American headquarters can be found in Denver,…show more content…
With the emergence of social media, companies saw a way to reach their target audience more precisely and more effectively. Marketing with social media allows for many advantages when compared to traditional media marketing. However, if not used with proper consideration, social media marketing can have its disadvantages. A major difference between traditional and social media marketing is the exchange that occurs between companies and their audience. With traditional media, there is no dialogue; the audience only receives the message. With social media, the audience actively participates and is part of the message. The dialogue that results from this participation is what distinguishes social media apart from traditional media. This allows for the audience to express their thoughts and opinions towards the company, either positive or negative. Social media provides four other benefits to a company that traditional media does not. Firstly, messages released on social media is dynamic and can be changed quickly and easily after it is released. In comparison, traditional media does not allow this, as a company no longer has control over a message once its sent out to the audience. Secondly, social media content is much easier to archive and retrieve for future reference. This requires a lot more effort for traditional

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