Disadvantages Of Robotics

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Robotics are widely and constantly coordinated into working assignments to supersede humans especially to perform the perpetual task. Robotics can be divided by the types of application. There are Industrial, Domestic or household, Medical, Service, Military and Space. Industrial robots perform various tasks improving the quality and efficiency of manufacturing. Robotic vacuum cleaner or sweepers are most likely type of robots which is used at home. Besides that, robots are even used in medical as robotic assisted surgery. Service robot is characterizes by International Federation of Robotics (IFR) as a robot which works semi- or fully autonomously to perform service that benefits humans [1]. In military, robotic are used instead of direct…show more content…
It is simple called an anthropomorphic arm because it has characteristics as human arm. Human arm consist a total of 7 Degree of Freedom (DOF). DOF refers to a capacity of an object to move up and down, left and right and rotation. Up-and-down movement is called Pitch, left-and-right movement is called Yaw, while rotation is called Roll as if you were using screwdriver. As it resemble of human arm, robotic arm has a base which can rotate 180 degree and connecting to the manipulator above the base as a ‘shoulder’ joint. Besides that, it has also rotational axes about its ‘elbow’ and ‘wrist’ joints…show more content…
The purpose of creating human criticized robotic arm is to replace human is hazardous task such as welding, painting or deal with chemicals in lab. The following present several research done in the field of robotics Vibration-free position control for a 2 DOF flexible-beam studied by [5] whose aim to control the end of the flexible-beam by decreasing the vibration when the beam is subject to move. They have specially design the multi-axis force/torque sensor to control the system by using a reduced dynamic model. However, there is limitation in the motion and minimum workspace when in contact with the objects. Apart from that, a study on Design and Application of a 3 DOF bionic robot arm was carried out by [6]. The researcher claim that in order to lift high payload with high speed, the slackness in the gears and together with the deformations that occurs in the link should be eliminated. Tendon drive and fine motor control was developed in their paper to mimic the bionic arm structure. The arm consist of an elastically coupled drive which relieves the arm from bending forces. However, is requires additional control efforts for oscillation damping. Besides that, it is only comparable with small scale conventional manipulators with minimum
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