Advantages And Disadvantages Of Robotics

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Humanoid robots are expecting to take a major role in the future for performing tasks such as medical care, housework, entertainment, search and rescue, and many other tasks. The robot locomotion is an important key point in developing highly effective robot system. Recently, there are some robots that were developed to perform in door tasks such as cleaning and monitoring. Those robots use wheeled locomotion to move inside the human working environment. However, wheeled locomotion has some limitations such as climbing the stairs and overcoming obstacles. The use of legged locomotion can overcome the limitations of wheeled locomotion. Moreover, legs are important to make the robot looks more like human, which will make the robot more adaptable to work within the human environment [1][2]. Many research achievements have been made for…show more content…
Researchers are trying to reach to a hybrid walking type using two approaches. The first approach is from the active side, by adapting passive dynamic behavior to reduce the amount of torque driven by the actuator. The natural dynamic behavior could be achieved by control the joints’ torque and angle trajectory, as in the case of CB and eMOSAIC developed by ATR [12][13]. Another method for adapting natural dynamic behavior is by using actuators with compliant behavior, as in the case of Lucy [14][15]. The second approach is from the passive walking side. In this approach direct drive or elastic actuators are installed some of the joints of the passive–dynamic walker. Three successful dynamic walking robots are the Cornell Robot, Denise and Toddler [5][16]. The development of an optimal design of a bipedal robot system that has high stability locomotion with high-energy efficiency has not been

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