Disabled Workplace Challenges

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The next case study involves an adult male subject, James, aged 24 years old. James is the only child and lives in the village with his parents. James described himself as always having difficulties in learning and understanding the concepts in school. To the disappointment of his parents, James did not receive any help for his condition. After completing secondary school, James decided not to pursue higher education and instead chose to support his family by searching for jobs. He however faced difficulties getting accepted for jobs because most of the employers view James as a disadvantage and as a result, he was always turned down. As described in the case study discussed previously, the disabled community often face challenges in the…show more content…
Each member of the society have important roles to play in cultivating a more inclusive environment concerning employment. The society must realize that people with learning disabilities are just like each one of us. Disability is not a reason for employers or co-workers to discriminate the disabled. People with learning disabilities should be given equal chances to be accepted for work and should never be put at a disadvantage at a workplace. Instead, employees should highlight the capabilities of the disabled and assign work tasks based on their strong points. Appropriate adjustments should be made at a workplace if it places a person with learning disabilities at a disadvantage compared to the nondisabled. With the ongoing transformation in how the public view the disabled together with the improvement of person-centered employment services, work prospects for people with learning disabilities can be improved (Rooney,…show more content…
People with learning disabilities are always presented with unfair opportunities concerning employment such as recruitment, training, promotions, and other privileges (U.S. Department of Justice, 2009). According to Race (as cited in Rooney, 2002), “people began to be judged by their ability to cope with the new technological and commercial process”. Based on this statement, people with learning difficulties are often “perceived as incompetent and unproductive” (Rooney, 2002). Many of today’s society lack awareness and understanding regarding this matter which then leads them to discriminate the disabled. This act of discriminating the disabled is in fact a deterrent to their development which in turn restraints them from growing and realising their potentials to contribute to the

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