Occupational Therapy

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Occupational therapy is a healthcare career offering direct help to individuals with mental illnesses, emotional problems, social issues, or ongoing disabilities. It is a science-driven calling that empowers individuals of all ages to live life to their fullest potential by helping them advance their well being and live effectively with illness, damage, or disability. In simple terms, an occupational therapist, or OT improves the lives of patients through meaningful activities and constantly empowers them to live their lives minus all limitations. To acquire a career in occupational therapy one must go to a school or college that is American Occupational Therapy Association, (AOTA), certified. Psychology, biology, liberal arts, anatomy,…show more content…
Therefore, the therapist’s will somewhat have to work together to improve the life of the patient repeating. OT’s evaluate and analyze their patients mental and or physical abilities on a daily to weekly basis. Sometimes the parents have as much trouble coping with the changes as do their child. In fact, what may come to a surprise to most is when it comes to younger patients,( kids in grade school and younger) the therapist may need to work with the parents of the patient more than the patient themselves. This is where one’s own personal qualities add to their achievements. When they have to think creatively and brainstorm in order to get results from the parents and patients. This is how stress and fatigue can be a tremendous part of day-to-day living for an OT. On the flip side, one of the positives of this career field is that they get to see improvements throughout their time working with a certain patient. About half of the OT’s work in a physician's office or hospital. Others work in schools, nursing homes, or home health services. Statistics show that nearly all of the OT's who worked full time back in 2012, still are today. Only around thirty percent work part time. They may may work weekends or long nights, as required, to take into account patients'…show more content…
“...we work with clients to help them solve their problems of living. We are all problem-solvers; every moment of the day we are unconsciously or consciously responding to new situations. These can be simple situations as in how to lift something heavy or difficult situations like budgeting. OTs bring those strategies to awareness to address challenges for people with disabilities, and to prevent risk of decline,” says Susan Cuppola from the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. From one patient to the next, problems are going to be unquestionably different. They are just going to have to battle with each one to be a successful therapist. The technique of problem-solving is key in the field of occupational

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