Effects Of Stress At Work

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Stress is an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well- being [1]. Lazarus and Folkman [2] define stress as a particular relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as tasking or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being. According to Selye [3], stress is defined as the condition that can give rise to psychologically felt stress or discomfort and psychological state itself. He goes further to say that stress is the sum of all non- specific effects of factors that can act upon the body. Stress at work is seen as one of the major psychosocial risks of work. Work-related…show more content…
Stress is a physical and emotional reaction to change. Stress is associated with demand and constraints. The former refers to the loss of something desired. The latter prevents an individual from doing what he or she desires. Both can lead to potential stress. Stress is highly peculiar in nature. Some people have high forbearance for stress and thrive well in face of several stressors in the environment. On the other hand, some have very low level of forbearance for stress and they become paralyzed when exposed to stressors. Stress becomes a problem when body is constantly under pressure, it will reach a stage that, the brain and its coordinating assistance are overwhelmed and worn out. Consequently the stressed people are constantly in what scientists call a state of arousal or alertness. This can lead to long term physical, psychological or behavioral problems like anger, anxiety, alcoholism, asthma, depression, headaches, stomach problems, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, teeth grinding etc…show more content…
It represents a pathway linking job stress to occupational illness or work related health problems. The variety of individual and environmental factors, including personal characteristics like age, gender, health status, education, experience, and job factors like intensity of work, lack of autonomy, miscommunication between coworkers, job repetition. Chen et al, [21], in their study shows the association of mental health with occupational stress, coping styles and their interaction among workers in Chinese offshore oil platform. Kumar [22] studies found that job stress is the major cause for job dissatisfaction, which creates disturbances in quality of life, so it results to unhappiness. Jahanian et al, [23] observed that stress is a fact in our daily life. When a person needs help, it means the person feels physically and emotionally disabled. Most people believe that their capacity and capabilities are so little to encounter high level of stress. Today, with progress in all respects, human is facing new challenges in many different fields as if progress in turn creates new problems. Chiang et al. [24] found in his study on work stress of hotel and catering industry employees that job demands, job control and work-life balance significantly affected job stress in such a way that high job demands when combined with low job control and minimal work-balance practices contributed to

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