Arguments Against Hate Crimes

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Phenide Archelus Mr. Sagorski ENC 1102 MWF 9:00-9:50 AM October 22, 2014 Rights to speak up Although America is endowed with a rich cultural diversity and it is this unique mix that makes the country different, living with people from different backgrounds is not always an easy task as sometimes values and opinions regarding certain matters differ. Lack of acceptance of other people in the society and continued disapproval of other people’s opinions is what gives rise to tensions and violence otherwise referred to as hate crimes. Everyone is prone to such attacks, but the attackers always go for weaker groups or individuals because of their vulnerability, invisibility or few numbers. Hence, they are not able to defend themselves. The biases…show more content…
One Coker article mentioned” Hate Crime Prevention Act (HCP) broadens federal hate-crime law to incorporate “violence motivated by the . . . gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of the victim”. Hate crime can be defined as a crime committed because of the victims race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, disability or religion. It also involves hostility towards a victim because of the victim’s social group membership. Hate crimes occurs in all states, large cities and in small towns. Sometimes, hate crimes can be called different names such as ethnic intimidation, bias crimes or civil rights crimes. They involve all sorts of things from simple unauthorized drawings and writings on cars and walls to brutal murders. The current legislation of hate crimes allows prosecution if the crime is motivated by race, color, nationality and religion…show more content…
An example is James Byrd who was tortured by three white men. Of all the hate crimes that are reported, those against African Americans are the majority. African Americans have been lynched in several ways such as church burning. This action not only injures individuals and their families but also intimidates the entire African American community. African Americans have always relied on churches for their protection and as a source of hope, but this has made this institution the target of the hate
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