Essay On Deaf Silence

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Ever listened to the sound of silence? Some say in today’s society no one really pays attention to, or worse, cares about what we are communicating to one another. Tearing down the barriers of time and space, technology puts loads of information that stimulate our egos and block the whispers of the needs of people around us — the urban environments literally squeeze us together yet our hearts are never this far apart. Hong Kong, with its notorious population density, is one place where silence is. Perhaps this inability or unwillingness to talk to one another has caused feelings of alienation, and a ‘don’t rock the boat’ mentality has formed among the populous where nobody dares to take a stand against the norm. The undisturbed silence can…show more content…
She described him as a very diligent person, and she really admired his effort to study the names of various cocktails and to memorise umpteen recipes for several events. Deaf people’s career options should not be kept within bounds of low-skill jobs such as dishwashing, and they are no less capable than people without disabilities, she stated. On top of employment, she mentioned how deaf people identify themselves, “There are certain deaf people who do not enjoy sympathy from mainstream society so they dislike being labelled as ‘disabled’. For preference, many consider themselves to be part of a cultural and linguistic minority group.” She recognises that people who are deaf continue to encounter countless physical and social obstacles that prevent them from living fulfilling and independent lives. The march to equal opportunities is certainly a long one. Being an earnest advocate for rights of deaf people, she quoted a United Nations Convention, “A barrier-free world starts with equality for all.” During our chat I learnt a fact of sign language — it has different grammar to our spoken language, and that the topic in a sentence is prominent rather than the subject. While that was interesting to discover, to think that sign language is the mother tongue of deaf people, for it to be recognised as an official language would be a huge step forward. Ultimately, a desirable outcome Celina hopes to establish is if more people are willing to learn about Deaf culture and its untold unique

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