Contributions To Linguistics

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Types of language and general words for language Archaic language: the language which is no longer in everyday use, but sometimes used to impart an old fashioned flavor. Colloquial language: the use of familiar or conversational language. Figurative language: a language that is not intended to be interpreted in a literal sense. Subjective language: a language which is based on emotion, feeling, or opinion (opposite of objective). Objective language: a language which do not attempt to influence the attitudes of others through the use of personal feelings or opinions. Only considers facts of the matter. Informal language: a relaxed language, unofficial or colloquial words. Jargon: special vocabulary of a particular group or activity. Sometimes…show more content…
Contribution to linguistics Noam Chomsky defines linguistics as “linguistics begin by observing the way in which people use language on the basis of which they provide a description of language use, and finally when all the data has been analyzed an explanation.” Chomsky explored two levels of structure: a deep structure and surface structure. One is combining constituents and controlling the input into the deep structure and second is specifying the rules by which the surface structure was taken. This was called as transformational grammar. Chomsky said that linguistics is an understanding of mental grammar. A nineteenth century linguist, who explores his subject at larger scale, Fredinand de Sausure called “The father of modern linguistics.” He explained and resembled language to chess game in which each piece is defined by its situation on the board as well as relationship with the other pieces. Basically Sassure thought that language as substance and language as concept are separate. Actually Sassure’s methodology is a combination of two opposite terms. One is paradigmatic / syntagmatic and others are Diachronic /…show more content…
A language is a mode of expression of thought by means of articulate sounds. Thoughts alone are not sufficient to express yourself. You need to do it by means of articulate sounds too. Articulation brings life to a language. On the other hand linguistics is a branch of study that deals with languages. It is a comparative study of languages. Linguistics is a branch of study wherein you make a historical study of languages. It is otherwise called as comparative philology. Hence it should be understood that linguistics is a subject of study that is build on languages. Therefore it can be said that language is the fundamental unit of the branch of linguistics. Without languages the subject of linguistics cannot be there. In other words languages pave the way for the growth of the field of linguistics. Linguistics studies the nature of languages, the various phonetic changes that take place in the languages, the changes in the meanings of particular words in the course of time and the like. A few laws have also been advocated by linguists who work on the languages. On the other hand each language has special and inherent characteristics. Since the languages are individual and separate in nature the need for their comparative study

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