Differences And Inequality In Society

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This essay will discuss how differences and inequalities are produced in society using material from “Making Lives” and “Ordering lives”. Differences can generally be defined as the contrasts between group of people, groups that can be based on gender,race,class.Inequalities can be described as the uneven disp?? of resources in society. First it will examine how differences and inequalities are socially produced through consumerismconsumption and the theory about the 'seduced' and 'repressed', how it leads to inequalities. After that it will analyze different categories of identities and how it leads to differences and inequalites. Taking a look at contemporary society makes it obivous, that it is defined by consumption.It changed from an…show more content…
According to Bauman society is not an equal society, like the indusrial society before, wasn't. He claims that the forms of inequalites changed from what was before. In industrial society, only the really wealthy members of society were able to consume, today consumption is possible for a larger part of the population.(Harvard,Hetherington p.125) Bauman says in his theory that society can be sperated in two groups of consumers, the ´seduced` and the ´repressed´.(Harvard,Hetherington…show more content…
Ethnicity is indicates language,nationality and culture. Taylor states, “that ther is almost an infinite range of possible distinctions and terms for racial and ethnic identities.” In different times, different societies used different racial categories. Racial and ethnic identities can be divided in one pair, one is the marked identity which mostly has a negative value and the unmarked identity is taken for granted as normal, for example the white identity. (Taylor p.11) Class is often see as something historical, that doesn't exist anymore, because todays society seems more fairer ad equal. Everybody has the prospect of rising in higher upper levels through had work and talent. (Taylor p.12) Through economic changes, like the decline of industries and the rise of service industries caused social changes. Taylor states, “...that it has been argued that the traditional collective identity of the British working class has now ended. (Taylor p.15) She has alos argued that class does still exist in Britain and they are important to people. Class is economic and social, collective and personal. Personal aspects are those which are almost impossible to change, since they are the way people are brought up, those aspects hold calues and beliefs which are deeply embedded in a person. Most people would divide british society in three classes, upper,middle and working class,

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