Persuasive Speech About Spanish

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Starting today you can easily begin introducing Spanish to your young child with no teaching experience required or any second language knowledge necessary. Many parents sometimes wonder why I suggest Spanish over the other many languages of the world. As a mom of three bilingual children and as an educator of thousands of children I will provide you with the top five reasons why you should start Spanish fun in your daily routine today. Recent research has proven that early exposure to more than one language will stimulate the developing brain of the young child. Study after study has shown that children ages birth through five who are exposed to more than one language experience advanced cognitive abilities. It has been convincingly reported…show more content…
With more than 45 million in our country speaking Spanish as their native language, it is almost a given that parents would want to choose Spanish as the second language to expose their children to during the early years. It is true that dialects of the Chinese language are more widely spoken worldwide. That fact is true only due to the population of Asian countries and is not a reflection of what will allow the young children of the United States to travel successfully through their own local communities, their own states and their own country. We all hear and experience daily the necessity to speak even basic Spanish to communicate more effectively with our colleagues, neighbors and community members. As parents and teachers responsible for the next generation, we must commit to preparing our youth for a society in which Spanish is the second most widely spoken…show more content…
Just because you do not speak the new language yourself does not mean that you are unable to begin the Spanish learning today with your children. Research has suggested that native speakers are not needed to introduce the language. What is needed is interaction with the child during the language learning time. Using tools that provide you with a fun and easy format to introduce the new language right alongside the native language is key to your daily success. CDs, DVDs, books and fun activities will give you and your child the variety needed to make Spanish come to life. Having trouble with pronunciation in the Spanish language? Use products that have an easy to understand pronunciation guide, ask Spanish speakers in your community or work place how the word is pronounced and listen to Spanish TV and radio for assistance in pronunciation. When there is a will there is a way. Recognizing the importance of raising our children to be bilingual will keep you motivated and committed to this fun

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