Essay On Working Women

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Marital adjustment among Married Working women with respect to Income level Keywords: Marital Adjustments, Income level, Working women, Dual role Abstract: A woman has to play the dual role in the society . Being a woman, she is expected to look after the domestic front whereas being an employed person, she is expected to work efficiently and professionally. For having a harmonious life, a woman has to make so many adjustments in their lives. In this study, women working in technical educational Institutes, from Indore were studied. for this 100 working women(N=100) were chosen as per their work in the Institutes, teaching or Non-teaching. A socio- demographic questionnaire were used. The findings revealed that the high income group women has to make less adjustments as compare to the low income group women. And area wise, women worked in teaching profession are more satisfied than the…show more content…
Kum Kum Kumari (2011), Majority of working women were able to achieve good (highly satisfactory and satisfactory) relationship (80.45) in their marital life. The Level of marital adjustment, improved with the rise in their income. As co-earners they are also capable of money management in the family. However, income level of working women has little to do with their ability to manage money matters in the family. Similarly working women are capable of time management and make it a way of life. There exists positive correlation between handling domestic affairs and income group to which working women belong. This study establishes, beyond doubt, the fact that women are capable of managing both- domestic duties and job obligations with aplomb. For a woman, there is no inherent conflict between career and marital bliss. (“Marital Adjustment and Family Resource Management of Working Women Among Different Income Groups”, by Dr. Kum Kum Kumari
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