Gender-Based Pay Gap Analysis

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Despite the efforts of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to minimize and eliminate the presence of gender-based wage discrimination, pay inequality is still a persistent problem in the workforce today. Pay inequality is problematic and affects not merely the women, but also their families and the society as well. When women continuously earn lower wages, it presents more hardships for them in providing for their families. In mitigating and eliminating the existence of pay discrimination, the economy will become healthier as we give women the confidence to contribute to society. At the same time, by eradicating gender-based wage inequality, we will be promoting social justice and allowing society to become more harmonious and provide more opportunities. Analysis of Basic Statistics…show more content…
The mean annual income of women is $67,825.36 whereas the mean annual income of men is $98,223.55 (Table 1). This indicates that women’s earnings are merely 69% of those of the male employees. The standard deviation of annual income of women is $52,573.01 and that of men is $83,793.14. This demonstrates that in this data, the women’s salaries are more concentrated around the mean income, as compared to that of the men. From this data set, we can understand that more men than women are able to obtain higher salaries. Looking at the range, the minimum income of women in the data set is $4,600 whereas it is $6,000 for the men. This $1,400 difference seems insignificant and ineffective in demonstrating the pay inequality; however, looking at the difference of $70,000 between the maximum income between the women and the men, it is evident that there exists an unbalance and

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