Death Penalty In The Criminal Justice System

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People receive Death Penalty as a capital for the crimes they have committed. The code of Hammurabi of Babylon first established death penalty back in the Eighteenth century B.C. In the Roman Law of the Twelve Tablet can get you in the Death Penalty : punishments such as crucifixion, drowning, beating to death , burning alive and impalement.The first ever recorded execution in the new colonies was that of Captain George Kendall in the Jamestown Colony of Virginia in 1608. Minor offenses like stealing grapes, killing chickens, and trading with Indians can get you in the Death Penalty. In 1612 by Virginia Governor Sir Thomas Dale. This then follows the making of the United States Constitution in 1789. The U.S. was influenced of England's adoption…show more content…
The justice system isn’t always as accurate as they seem to be, there always going to be things missing and evidence unaccounted. People are send to death penalty for something that they might not have done. Just because the information looked accurate doesn't mean it is. Looks can sometimes be deceiving there is can still be an error that we people didn’t see. According to Ray Samuels “Despite the best intentions of law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges and jurors, innocent people have been convicted and sentenced to death. The margin for error with the death penalty is too great.” When people are found innocent after death penalty, judges and jurors will feel very horrible and ashamed of themselves for being the person that did the wrong choice and send an innocent person to the death penalty even if they did not deserve to be there. Human nature tends to have flaws in almost everything they do, like in the jury misinterpretation of words or laws, missing pieces of evidence are usually errors we do. Criminal that were not innocent that come out of his/her crime will not be deter by death…show more content…
Many supporters of the death penalty say it is the only fair societal consequence for the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes, and that it gives victims’ families a sense of closure. Death penalty is only the easy way to end the problem, it don’t teach the criminal a lesson for his or her heinous crimes nor change themselves to be a better person. The victim's family is surely angry of the criminal but knowing that they also want to kill him/her does not make them any different from the criminal themselves, using the government as a way to kill another person as revenge is ridiculous. It is like a criminal framing innocent people to get away with their act. But, death penalty does not make anything better. Life in prison without parole in a maximum-security detention facility is a better alternative, Death penalty is not the only way to give justice. When the criminal is send to death penalty it only make emotion/fear to people and not a lesson to learn. Politicians also have a side to the issue in which the american citizen is divided into
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