Customer Service Case Study

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FINAL PROJECT CUSTOMER SERVICE Name: Khomotso Kgaphola Part 1 1. Investigate and identify who are the customers for the following industries: • Retailers – Government agencies and regular bodies • Hospitality – Guests and strangers • Horticulture – Park departments and contract farmers • Business Services – Companies, Businesses, Government agencies • Government Departments i.e. Taxation Office – Businesses and companies, employers and employees and purchasers. Part 2 Answer the following questions 1. a. List the relevant legislation a business providing customer service have taken into account. Privacy Act 1988 – this legislation is designed as a mediator between the business and customers. 2. b. From your above list, briefly explain…show more content…
Along with legislation business should follow standards and codes of practice. a. What are mandatory standards, give examples? These are safety and information standards designed for specific services and products i.e. For example, under the Telecommunications Act 1997, The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) enforce the Telemarketing and Research Calls Industry Standard 2007. b. What are voluntary standards, give examples? These are standards set to encourage customers confident in order to up the market within the industry i.e. Customer satisfaction – guidelines for complaints handling in organisations 4. What is a product and service standard? These are standards set by the company/business briefly described on specifics how customer queries and complaints are met. As simple as it sounds – there is a set requirement needed to be met as these issues are ironed out to resolve customer complaints. Methods are needed as solutions which are under the the same standard. 5. What tools can be used to identify and represent performance issues in customer service? Please list the seven. -Mystery shopper approaches -Observations - Customer feedback -Balanced score…show more content…
Describe how product promotion (marketing process) is used to determine who is likely to want a particular product or service. This is the process done as an attempt by businesses to research more about human and customer behaviour and plan to manage factors that may influence customers to buy their product. This process is initiated to supply the demands of the people. 8. Does this marketing lead to good or bad public relations? Explain your answer and give examples if necessary. It is good public relations. The marketing process done is based on from the information collected from most sources and a decision will be made from the gathered information in order to meet the demands of the people (which are the target market). There is no reason to make a product or provide service which is quality but may not be preferred by potential customers – these will a loss to the business. For example: we learn of the 5 P’s of a successful business is: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. This is why the process is good. 9. a. Through the marketing process, how do you identify your target market? Businesses conduct a market related research in order to identify potential customers. Businesses will need to know what does the public need and how it can be

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