Critiquing Qualitative Research

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Article 3 List the citation (in APA format) 1. What is the citation of the article? Murphy, T. E., GaughanE, M., Hume, R., & Moore, G. S. (2010). College graduation rates for minority students in a selective technical university: will participation in a summer bridge program contribute to success? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 32(1), 70-83. 2. Define the problem/research question • Does participation in a summer bridge program assist underrepresented minority (URM) students’ persistence to graduation compared to those who do not participate? 3. Did the researcher(s) choose a relevant topic that will contribute to the general knowledge base of education? • This is a relevant topic because the majority of students do…show more content…
5. What type of methodology was used? Justify your answer. • The researchers used a quantitative methodology for their research. A specific bridge program used at Georgia Tech was identified. • A longitudinal database on the academic performance and program participants was logged. The data was only limited to URM student and included information on African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or of mixed ethnicity. • A survival analysis over logistic regression and discriminant analysis was used. The survival analysis allowed for censoring to occur which reflected the data which outline this was the first time that students had experience the task which was graduation. The censoring was conducted because not all student completed their education over the course of the study. • The survival analysis also estimated the association of covariates with the likelihood of graduation in each year of the observation. • The use of a hazards Cox model also assisted in allowing the value for the hazard functions to be observed as well. 6. Discuss the adequacy of the research design/data collection or sampling/research…show more content…
What is your analysis/evaluation of the research? • The covariates of the student demographics were very similar. There was not much difference in the students who participated in the program and those who did not. The students who attend Georgia Tech are academically prepared so their demographics are very similar. • The hazard ratio was 1.19 which states that the program does assist the URM students to matriculate through Georgia Tech. • Female students did better than males in the program; however students from Georgia are not progressing as well as out of state students. 8. What are the threats to validity? Justify your answer. • Internal • Maturation – Most students who attend Georgia Tech are academically prepared • Selection-maturation interaction – only data from Georgia Tech was analyzed and would allow for bias. 9. Suggest how the authors could increase validity. • Evaluate other bridge programs at other schools • Evaluate other bridge programs across Georgia Tech. This bridge program only took into account students interested in STEM. 10. How would you extend this research? (What is the next step?) • Research could be expanded to review other bridge

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