An Analysis Of Zinn's Marxist Explanation Of The New World

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In a classroom, you hear that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, and discovered America. Somehow there is more to the story of the explorer we celebrate with a federal holiday on the second Monday of every October. As most historians have continued to learn and write more about the real life of Christopher Columbus, controversy has come over the validity of honoring the explorer as a hero. In Zinn’s Marxist explanation of the New World begins with none other than Christopher Columbus, who like other settlers in the New World, were motivated by a bad intention. “Behind the English invasion of North America, behind their massacre of Indians, their deception, brutality, was a special powerful drive born in civilizations based on private profit.” The mischievous view of people who mostly come to the New World to escape persecution in the old, sometimes defended the rights of indigenous people and mostly attempted to live peacefully along with them is characteristic of the anti-European, anti-White, and any American book. The idea that the…show more content…
They emerged from their homes in the villages onto the island’s beaches, and they swam out to get a good look at a boat. When Christopher Columbus and his men came to shore, carrying many different items, the Arawaks ran to greet them, and brought them food, water, and other things as well. Columbus then wrote about it in his journal. He said that they brought them parrots and balls of cotton and spears, and other things as well. Then, they exchanged those for glass beads and hawks’ bells. They traded everything that they owned. The Arawaks were well-built, with good bodies and good features too. He also said that they do not bear arms. Their iron spears are made of cane and not iron. Columbus also said that the Arawaks are much like the Indians on the mainland because they had great hospitality and their belief in

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