Essay On National Cohesion

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Regional Languages as a source of National Cohesion Introduction The paramount code of Sufism is, 'Ishq Allah, Ma'bud Allah' (God is love, lover, and beloved). The study emphasizes on national cohesion on the basis of regional languages and the dimension on which this study drives that is regional poetry (Sufism). This study enlightens that national integration can be formulated through regional poetries for the purpose to strengthen the external and internal position of a nation state. Sufis take the option of love and devotion to complete their utmost intention, because it is love which has fetched man from the world of unity to the world of variation, and the same force can take him back again to the world of harmony from that of diversity. Pakistan is a multilingual country. More than twenty four languages and dialects are spoken by the people of Pakistan. There are five regional languages. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto, Baluchi and Brahvi. These languages are rich in literature, poetry, folk songs, and spiritual quotations of their respective saints and add momentously to the culture. The regional languages, though distinct from each other in their forms, dialects and expressions of thoughts, have several common factors in them. They cultivate in them love, respect and a firm adherence to the Pakistan Ideology. The regional languages acts as a source of national unity. The cultural aspect influences colossally in national bonding. The regional…show more content…
The similarities among regional poetries promote synchronization, peace, love and harmony. The basic theme of these poetries are oneness of Allah that leaves the footprint of national coordination for the sake of peace and harmony. The common and evolving themes create the path of national cohesion on which this study can open the gateway for national solidarity.

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