Critical Feedback Reflection

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5. Team goals 5.1 Critical feedback Since 4 weeks ago, we decided to include the team goals in order to improve the team process which can help us to achieve the best final product. We choose the critical feedback because we realized that it can help to achieve a good final product. To do this every Friday we had a feedback session. Every team member participated in giving positive and negative feedback to each team member. Myself, I participated in this action where I mentioned also the way someone can use in order to reduce the negative feedback. During this time, every team member accepted the negative feedback without complaining. The result from these feedbacks showed that every team member changed positively the way he/she was doing in the beginning of this ACT course. This also had the consequence of having the good final product. I learned…show more content…
In this ACT course, I got a lot of knowledge which were related to my learning goals. I knew how I can work in the team composed by different people with different culture, expertise, etc. Before studying this course, I was not flexible and patient. It was difficult to me to accept the negative feedback. After studying this course, I knew the role of feedbacks and now I am flexible to accept and using them without complaining. I know also the role of speaking up for the team. In the beginning, I was thinking that my character of staying calm for a long time cannot cause any problem. However, after studying this course, I realized that speaking up help the team process. This helped me to ask questions where I was confused and it helped also my teammates to gain my opinions. During this time, I knew the way I can use to make a good collaboration with different people in the organization. In this case, being patient, flexible, cooperative, good communication and friendly to everyone can help to work easily with different

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