Engl 101 Week 2 Assignment

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Case Manager Comments: Joe, we have been working according what you, your mom, and I agreed to be a good strategy to help you to organize your schedule, complete assignments, and preparing for tests. I think, this strategy is working for you; it seems to me that you are more organized, and willing to accept the help we provide. You also have told me that you are coming daily to Achieve, I am glad that you are doing this; however, I encourage you to work with your tutors more often, that will help you to improve your grades during the coming weeks. ENGL 101 – English Composition I: This is your instructor’s report for these weeks: Analyze Ad: 0/5 Essay 2 Version 1 Peer Review: 10/10 Essay 2 Version 2: 33/50 Essay 2 Reflection: 0/5 Grade to-date: 115/200 Attendance to-date: 88.89%…show more content…
He still tries to use his phone in class, but it has been significantly less than it was at the start of the semester. HIST 101A – History of the Word Civ I: I sent an email to your instructor requesting your progress feedback, this is what he has replied: Ms. Lopez Below is the information that you have requested in regards to Joseph Johnson's progress in HIST 101A - 009. Attendance: Perfect Quality of Assignments: Mr. Johnson has only turned in 1 of 4 homework assignments. On that one, he received a "check," which is satisfactory, or a B. On the first major assignment, a 3-5 page paper, he earned a 75/100, or a C. Timeliness of Assignments: As aforementioned, Mr. Johnson has failed to turn in 3 of 4 assignments. Participation: In discussion, Mr. Johnson is present, which is satisfactory, but he does fail to contribute to the discourse. Estimated Current Grade: C. Comments: Mr. Johnson's grade would improve significantly if he would do two things: 1) turn in his homework, and 2) closely follow the directions on the next paper

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