Television Influence On Culture

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To start with, there is no doubt that television's influence on culture and society has always been widely acknowledged for many years. It has tremendous consequences on the way we think and even interact, providing us with a range of content which is widely consumed by a demographically diverse audience. Having said so, it is significant to clarify that the correlation between the television and its audience has changed gradually and progressively to a great extent. To elucidate more, the role of both television and viewers is not as we know it anymore due to the technological advancements that were defined in the last decade. The television technologies have become an increasingly integral part of home. As seen in the Norman Rockwell portrait,…show more content…
With the acquisition of YouTube by Google in October, 2006 (Henricks, 2007), the goal to obtain increased revenues through advertising partnerships is continuously striven for. “While it's starting to develop new ad offerings, its popularity is driving up costs that established Web giants, such as Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc., are able to spread out” . Hence, an ideal combination of desires, both from interested companies as well as the provider of the service, in this case YouTube, can be fulfilled if optimal advertising strategies are embraced. While several attempts have been made to incorporate advertising on YouTube, new ideas are continuously appearing, causing the layout of the website to remain transitional and in a state of constant update. In this thesis, we are going to study how YouTube is actually affecting the TV's role in many ways, from attracting talent managers, brokers, production companies to advertising agencies and marketers. In other words, we are going to examine how YouTube is affecting the TV as an industry thus shifting into our new digital…show more content…
In the Data Collection chapter, we will first show the primary data we acquired from the interviews done at the advertising company “Publicis Groupe” – Dubai with Mr.Imad Ghnatios, CFO at the group holding level-publicis, Mr.Ali Nehme, Managing director of digital department at starcom media vest group, Mr. Arvend krishnan, creative director publicis Middle East, Mr. Maher Abou Zeid, group General manager lower gulf to explore how brands are using this company to promote Via You-Tube more and more. Then the secondary data will be presented from surveys, studies, and statistics to see how YouTube is affecting TV as an industry in terms of cable TV, YouTube channels and
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